Our first river cruise. Great way to travel! Like a floating hotel (no packing and unpacking) and plenty of time to explore the cities and country along the Danube. Most of the river travel was at night – except to see the castles along the Wachau Valley.
The first day was in Budapest – an interesting city, but it was hard to appreciate given that it poured rain all day. Cold and wet. I was deeply moved by the holocaust memorial (shoes) along the river. Especially in the rain.
The trip was filled with castles and medieval buildings. Great food and beer. Friendly people! I did get to take a day-long bike ride through the Bavarian countryside. Of course with a beer stop in the middle.
We spent three days in Prague. A beautiful city. It really is “Paris -like” with beautiful architecture all around. We spent a full day in the Jewish Quarter. Fascinating and moving.